The brief for this five-floor refurb fit-out was to create a mix of artwork reflective of the Melbourne suburb that hosts this amazing Aussie tech and advertising business – Cremorne. Cremorne is home to an eclectic mix of street art and graffiti as well as a bunch of icons that serve as landmarks of the broader area of Richmond and are symbolic to anyone who has spent any time in the area. With that in mind, we went about designing artworks for each of the five floors – a total of 13 altogether.
We wanted to make the variety inside as eclectic as the mix of artistic styles around the suburb, while also including artworks that paid tribute to some of the icons of the area. Consideration for the audience on each level of the building and the demographics for each audience group really dictated what went where within the building. After all, what use is art if it doesn’t resonate with it’s audience?
Carsales close up
Carsales office space
Carsales jungle mural
Carsales signage
Carsales mural
Carsales signage from a distance
Carsales jungle mural
Carsales close up
Carsales office space
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