Occasionally we get a phone call about a project that just sounds too good to be true. We get off the phone and quietly say “that’d be great if it came off” with no expectations but a little hope that it just might. This was one such project. When else would we ever have an opportunity to take over a four and a half star hotel room and cover it in the kind of street art and graffiti our awesome city’s eclectic laneways are famous for? “Is this something you’d be interested in doing?” Ummmmmmm… let us think about that for a minute… “YES”!
DoubleTree Room Takeover 'I love Melbourne'
So in we rocked to the DoubleTree on Flinders Lane, Melbourne with a massive painted backdrop, printed quilt and cushions, painted furniture, all our favourite graff films from the 80s and 90s plus books and mags, a bunch of (possibly implicating) photos, a couple of can-filled side tables and some tagged bean bags. We wanted to make the space an immersive, fun and interactive experience for guests and to give them a taste of our awesome city from the comfort of this super swish hotel. We even left a bunch of markers on the desk we painted for people to leave their mark.
DoubleTree Room Takeover bed and mural
This was one of the most fun projects we have ever worked on! It was such an honour to be entrusted with a whole room to transform and the media coverage and response from guests on social media blew us away!
DoubleTree Room Takeover desk
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